Recent progress in 1 MJ Plasma-Focus research

The paper reports on actual operational characteristics of the PF-1000 facility and it presents results of the first neu- tron experiments performed with a new set of large Mather-type electrodes, which were designed for shots up to 1000 kJ. Dynamics of a current-sheath was studied by means of two high-speed streak cameras and a two-frame camera. The last one was used for the side-on observation of the pinch column. The high-speed streak pictures were taken side-on behind slits oriented in the radial or axial direction. On the basis of the pictures taken behind the radial slit, average values of the radial compression and expansion velocities were estimated. Time-resolved X-ray signals were measured with PIN diodes covered by different filters, and they were compared with other traces (voltage waveforms, dI/dt signals, and neutron-induced pulses) in order to determine their correlation. The total neutron yield (Y tot ), i.e. the number of neutrons produced during a single discharge and emitted in various directions, was measured by means of several silver-activation detectors placed at different angles around the PF-1000 experimental chamber.