Performance analysis of double buffer technique (DBT) model for mobility support in wireless IP networks

Existing mobility support models in cellular communications misinterpret mobility loss in cellular networks as congestion loss, thus it degrades the performance by invoking unnecessary congestion control action. In this paper, we investigated the performance of Double Buffer Technique (DBT) model for mobility support in wireless IP networks. The DBT model uses the END message and the TQRS timer to maintain the packet sequence and decrease the load on the new foreign agent when the timer expires, respectively. Also, the protocol showed improved performance degradation caused by the handover of the mobile terminal. In order to demonstrate the superiority of our scheme over the existing ones, we used the following performance metrics: packet out-of-sequence, cell loss ratio, bandwidth overhead, and suitability for real-time services. The numerical results obtained revealed that the buffer size, the waiting time, and the packet loss probabilities in the model were suitable to the wireless IP environment.