Geodesic-Based Bayesian Coherent Point Drift

Coherent point drift is a well-known algorithm for non-rigid registration, i.e., a procedure for deforming a shape to match another shape. Despite its prevalence, the algorithm has a major drawback that remains unsolved: It unnaturally deforms the different parts of a shape, e.g., human legs, when they are neighboring each other. The inappropriate deformations originate from a proximity-based deformation constraint, called motion coherence. This study proposes a non-rigid registration method that addresses the drawback. The key to solving the problem is to redefine the motion coherence using a geodesic, i.e., the shortest route between points on a shape's surface. We also propose the accelerated variant of the registration method. In numerical studies, we demonstrate that the algorithms can circumvent the drawback of coherent point drift. We also show that the accelerated algorithm can be applied to shapes comprising several millions of points.

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