Transonic Aeroelastic Computations on Wings using Navier Stokes Equations

Abstract : Aeroelastic computations are made on fighter-type wings in the transonic regime. The flow is modeled using the Navier-Stokes equations and is coupled with structural equations of motion. The flow equations are solved by a time accurate finite-difference scheme with moving grids. The coupled aeroelastic equations of motion axe solved using the linear-acceleration method. The configuration-adaptive dynamic grids axe time-accurately generated using the aeroelastically deformed shape of the wing. Computations axe made for oscillating rigid wings with moving shock waves in the presence of leading edge vortices. The computed results compare well with the experiment. Unsteady computations are made to demonstrate the shock-vortex interaction phenomenon on wings in ramp motion. Effects of flexibility and pitch rate are demonstrated for flows with vortices.