Crime maps are becoming significant tools in crime and justice. Advances in the areas of information
technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have opened new opportunities
for the use of digital mapping in crime control and prevention programs. Crime maps are also
valuable for the study of the ecology and the locational aspects of crime. Maps enable areas of
unusually high or low concentration of crime to be visually identified. Maps are however only
pictorial representations of the results of more or less complex spatial data analyses.
A hierarchical model dealing with crime analysis is proposed and applied to the regional analysis
of crime in Tehran, the model helps to identify spatial concentration of crimes in specific
area (area based method). In area-based methods, crime data are aggregated into geographical
areas such as blocks, precincts, and for each area, the analyst computes a measure of crime
value. Multicriteria evaluation concept has been used to assess the crime rate in various blocks a
discrete (part) of Tehran city. In this part we used two methods for crime density assessment:
• Crime assessment based on crime per block,
• Crime assessment based on density of crime per population.
After determination of hot spots based on two methods mentioned above spatial function is
used to find suitable location to establish new police station or direct patrol to the hot spots to
reduce of crime.
C. Fijnaut.
Crime and insecurity in the city
P. Longley.
Geographic Information Systems
Managing a Nation.
Terry A. Slocum.
Thematic Cartography and Visualization
J. Lowman.
Conceptual Issues in the Geography of Crime: Toward a Geography of Social Control
Alex Hirschfield,et al.
Mapping and analysing crime data
M. van Herwijnen,et al.
Spatial decision support systems
David T. Herbert,et al.
The Geography of Urban Crime
P Diehr,et al.
Small area statistics: large statistical problems.
American journal of public health.
J. Voogd,et al.
Multicriteria evaluation for urban and regional planning
Kent A. Harries,et al.
Mapping Crime: Principle And Practice
Martin Charlton,et al.
A Mark 1 Geographical Analysis Machine for the automated analysis of point data sets
Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci..
Bret M. Territo,et al.
Crime analysis through computer mapping: By C.B. Block M. Dabdoub, and S. Fregly, Police Executive Research Forum, Washington D.C., 1995, paperback, xiv + 287 pp., US$29.95 (+ $3.75 s and h), ISBN 1-878734-34-2
Trevor C. Bailey,et al.
Interactive Spatial Data Analysis