This guidance note provides advice on the principles, risks, materials and methods for insulating dormer windows. Dormers come in a large variety of shapes, sizes and materials and can be a difficult area to insulate, but if insulation is left out or is poorly detailed then the energy efficiency of the whole roof can be compromised. Retro-fitting insulation to any existing building is not straightforward, even if it is of relatively recent construction. Considerable ingenuity and attention to detail is required to ensure that the insulation is installed effectively at every awkward junction and gap. Solutions will normally need to be individually designed for each situation and professional advice will often be required. This guidance discusses approaches to these challenges in general terms, but cannot advocate standard solutions because of the complexities involved in individual cases. Dormer windows are a very prominent feature of many historic buildings and changes in their proportion or external detailing are rarely acceptable. This is particularly important if their design reflects that of other windows below or of dormer windows in neighbouring buildings. The insulation of dormers in historic buildings should be discussed in advance with the local authority conservation officer. The upgrading of dormer windows should wherever possible be undertaken in conjunction with general roof upgrading work