Ambient energy-harvesting technology is a promising approach to keep wireless sensor networks (WSNs) operating perpetually. Depending on the harvesting source nodes can either be active (alive) or inactive (dead) at any instant in such Energy-Harvesting WSNs (EH-WSNs). Thus, even in a static deployment of EH-WSNs, the network topology is no longer static. A popular method to increase energy-efficiency in WSNs is by employing topology control algorithms. Most of the topology control algorithms in the literature cannot handle the situation when nodes have different energy-levels, and when number of active nodes varies with time in EH-WSN. To address this issue, we present two localized energy based topology control algorithms, viz., EBTC-1 and EBTC-2. EBTC-1 is for convergecast applications of WSNs and EBTC-2 is for a generic scenario where all nodes are required to be connected. While typical topology control algorithms select a particular number of neighbors, the distinguishing feature of both these algorithms is that they select neighbors based on energy-levels, and render the global topology strongly-connected. Simulation results confirm that EBTC-1 and EBTC-2 reduce the transmission power and they let nodes have neighbors with high remaining energy. Results show that our proposed algorithms increase at least 33% in the remaining energy per neighbor. In addition, in terms of energy consumption and fault-tolerance, our proposed algorithms typically achieve 1-connected topology using 74% less energy compared to K-Neigh.
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