Реабилитация/абилитация детей грудного и младшего возраста в условиях специализированного медицинского центра для пациентов с заболеваниями крови и злокачественными новообразованиями

Article is dedicated on actual section of modern rehabilitology – organization of rehabilitation of patients of first year of life with oncohematological and immunological diseases. Aim of this study was to analyze the work of innovative direction of rehabilitation/abilitation in department of treatment of children of first year of life in Clinical Rehabilitation Research Center “Russkoe pole” of Dmitry Rogachev Center (Rehabilitation Center). Results of analysis confirm the dominance of embryonal tumors in the structure of diseases among 335 patients admitted to department in 2016. Medical help for patients performing by multidisciplinary team composed of employees of Rehabilitation Center and consultative department of Dmitry Rogachev Center. Volume of involvement of each participant of multidisciplinary team to rehabilitation process is determined by the spectrum of clinical problems of a patient. Results allowed authors to conclude that future integration of programs of recover medicine in practice of pediatric hematologists/oncologists provides both improvement of patients’ life parameters and decreasing of “population load” due to increased number of children and adolescents cured of malignant neoplasms.