Components Design of Stock Information System Based on SOM

A Stock Information System, based on the technologies of Semantic web and Web Services, is designed with Web Interface layer and Semantic Web layer. The former includes URI layer and XML/XML Scheme layer, and the latter includes Ontology layer and Agent layer. The related ontology of this system is given including two kinds of main ontology-User Ontology and Stock Information Data ontology, and Agent ontology. Agent ontology defines the interactive way between User Ontology and Stock Information Ontology, and is regarded as the functional carrier for User Ontology and Stock Information Ontology. The construction of ontology and interaction with Agent in the system are achieved in the Semantic Web layer. In Web interface layer, applying with the technology of Service-Oriented Model, 3 critical components, connector component, user component and stock information component, are designed to complete the whole interactions among the system, different resources and the users. The construction methods of above 3 components are proposed in detail.