Deutliche Unterschiede von Hand‐Dermatoskopen in der Bildqualität

In order to correctly evaluate melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors using a hand-hold dermoscope, it is essential to have adequate magnification and illumination, as well as visible differential structures. One example each of a dysplastic compound melanocytic nevus and thin malignant melanoma were examined with five different hand-held dermoscopes (Heine Delta 10®, Heine Delta 20®, Dermogenius® and Dermlite Foto 37® with and without glass plate) in order to assess the image quality. The magnification was identical in all dermoscopes. In the newer dermoscopes (Heine Delta 20®, Dermogenius® and Dermlite Foto 37® with and without glass plate) the light sources were clearly improved, as now 6-24 LED are employed. This distinctly improved the image quality with regard to color and visible differential structures comparing as contrasted to the dermoscope (Heine Delta 10®) with only one light source. Clear differences is assessing differential structures were seen in one dermoscope (Dermlite Foto 37® without glass plate).Using this dermoscope without any glass plate or liquid between the dermoscope and the skin, exophytic tumors were seen in a three-dimensional fashion but fewer differential structures were visualized.