Consistency Verification of a Non-monotonic Deductive System based on OWL Lite

@fi.upm.es The aim of this paper is to show a method that is able to detect a partic-ular class of semantic inconsistencies in a deductive system (DS). A DS verifiedby this method contains a set of production rules, and an OWL Lite ontology thatdefines the problem domain. The antecedent of a rule is a formula in DisjunctiveNormal Form, which encompasses first-order literals and linear arithmetic con-straints, and the consequent is a list of actions that can add or delete assertions ina non-monotonic manner. By building an ATMS-like theory the method is ableto give a specification of all the initial Fact Bases (FBs), and the rules that wouldhave to be executed from these initial FBs to produce an inconsistency.