Acetylcholine permits long-term enhancement of neuronal responsiveness in cat primary somatosensory cortex

Acetylcholine (ACh) was administered iontophoretically to single neurons in cat somatosensory cortex. Using extracellular recording techniques, neuronal responsiveness was determined at regular intervals from the number of action potentials produced either by iontophoretically applied glutamate or by tactile stimulation of the cutaneous receptive field. The responses were altered in only 21% (13/61) of the neurons following the application of ACh alone. In contrast, 75% (66/88) of the neurons displayed altered responses during administration of ACh simultaneously with either iontophoretically administered glutamate or with tactile stimulation of the receptive field. Forty-seven percent (29/62) of the responses potentiated in the presence of ACh remained enhanced for periods lasting from 8 min to over 1 h. The responsiveness of cortical neurons to afferent inputs changes during the reorganization of somatotopic maps that occurs after deafferentation, and perhaps during some forms of learning. As ACh has been implicated in some of these processes, it may be that the changes in responsiveness observed here following iontophoretically applied ACh are similar to those which facilitate the acquisition of neuronal responses to altered or novel afferent inputs.

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