Monitoring irrigated land acreage using LANDSAT imagery: An application example

A demonstration of the utility of LANDSAT imagery for quickly and cheaply estimating irrigated land area was conducted in the Klamath River basin of Oregon. LANDSAT color composite images, at 1:250,000 scale and acquired on two dates during the 1975 growing season, were interpreted. Irrigated lands were delineated manually, and the irrigated area was estimated, based on dot-grid sampling of the manually delineated lands. The image interpretation estimate of irrigated area was then adjusted by a comparison of interpretation results with ground data on 45 sample plots, each 2.6 square kilometers in size. Two interpreters independently estimated the irrigated area. Their adjusted estimates were 115,000 hectares and 108,000 hectares respectively, with corresponding 95 percent confidence intervals of + or - 7,880 hectares and + or - 14,000 hectares.