Operational performance of the Malaysia-Thailand 300/600 MW HVDC interconnection

An HVDC operational performance report is prepared annually by utilities operating an HVDC scheme, in accordance to the CIGRE WG14.04 protocol, and submitted to the CIGRE; Study Committee B4 (HVDC and AC power electronic equipment). This Study Committee collates HVDC performance reports from power utility companies worldwide, to be later published in a biennial compendium which is distributed to all the participating utilities. It was envisaged that such information could be useful in the planning, design, construction and operation of new HVDC projects. It was also envisaged that the sharing of the operational performance data could be of benefit to those concerned with the operation and maintenance of existing HVDC schemes or those planning to build new HVDC links. For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2002, a report on the operational performance of the Malaysia-Thailand 300/600 MW HVDC interconnection project was prepared jointly by the designated "system correspondences" from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). This paper highlights some of the more important operational parameters calculated and reported to CIGRE, including the energy utilization of the HVDC scheme, energy availability and unavailability and scheduled and forced outages.