A Novel Tensed Mechanism for Simulation of Maneuvers in Wind Tunnels

Wind tunnels are a standard tool to evaluate the air flow properties of aerodynamical vehicles in model scale. This is widely used to optimize the design of aircrafts and aircraft components. Additionally, the hydrodynamic properties of marine components like ship hulls or propulsion systems can be predicted. It is desirable to guide the models along defined trajectories during the tests to vary the angle of attack. Parallel wire robots were successfully used to perform airplane maneuvers in wind tunnels due to their good aerodynamical and mechanical properties. Compared to aircraft design, marine models are very heavy (up to 500kg). Thus, the positioning system must be very stiff to avoid vibrations. Additionally, fast maneuvers require powerful drives. Nevertheless, the positioning system should not influence the air flow. In this contribution, a novel design is presented. Additionally, a new realtime capable force distribution calculation method for parallel tensed systems is presented.Copyright © 2009 by ASME