B-fields in Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO): Magnetic Fields in the Filamentary Structures of Serpens Main

We present 850 μm polarimetric observations toward the Serpens Main molecular cloud obtained using the POL-2 polarimeter on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region Observations survey. These observations probe the magnetic field morphology of the Serpens Main molecular cloud on about 6000 au scales, which consists of cores and six filaments with different physical properties such as density and star formation activity. Using the histogram of relative orientation (HRO) technique, we find that magnetic fields are parallel to filaments in less-dense filamentary structures where NH2<0.93×1022 cm−2 (magnetic fields perpendicular to density gradients), while they are perpendicular to filaments (magnetic fields parallel to density gradients) in dense filamentary structures with star formation activity. Moreover, applying the HRO technique to denser core regions, we find that magnetic field orientations change to become perpendicular to density gradients again at NH2≈4.6×1022 cm−2. This can be interpreted as a signature of core formation. At NH2≈16×1022 cm−2, magnetic fields change back to being parallel to density gradients once again, which can be understood to be due to magnetic fields being dragged in by infalling material. In addition, we estimate the magnetic field strengths of the filaments (B POS = 60–300 μG)) using the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method and discuss whether the filaments are gravitationally unstable based on magnetic field and turbulence energy densities.

Lei Zhu | P. Koch | A. Whitworth | N. Peretto | G. Fuller | H. Chen | T. Onaka | Sang-Sung Lee | D. Byun | C. Hull | D. Johnstone | P. Bastien | S. Viti | Jongsoo Kim | G. Savini | J. Francesco | B. Matthews | Di Li | P. Friberg | M. Seta | J. Kwon | T. Nagata | Tsuyoshi Inoue | W. Chen | K. Kawabata | S. Eyres | S. Falle | J. Greaves | D. Ward-Thompson | L. Fissel | J. Hatchell | A. Chrysostomou | J. Fiege | R. Friesen | S. Graves | M. Houde | J. Kirk | J. Richer | K. Lacaille | C. Dowell | J. Rawlings | A. Kataoka | M. Rawlings | H. Parsons | L. Qian | K. Qiu | Y. Duan | Jinghua Yuan | D. Eden | A. Rigby | Jianjun Zhou | Xindi Tang | Da-lei Li | G. Park | Miju Kang | Il-Gyo Jeong | H. Nakanishi | Jeong-Eun Lee | Kee-Tae Kim | Hongchi Wang | Zhiwei Chen | Ji-hyun Kang | S. Inutsuka | F. Kemper | Minho Choi | Jungyeon Cho | H. Yoo | D. Berry | T. Pyo | M. Griffin | F. Nakamura | S. Loo | D. Arzoumanian | M. Tahani | R. Rao | Xing Lu | Y. Doi | J. Robitaille | Chuan-Peng Zhang | Guoyin Zhang | Hua-b. Li | Sheng-Yuan Liu | T. Bourke | S. Lai | F. Kirchschlager | F. Priestley | I. D. Looze | A. Soam | Ya-Wen Tang | Gwanjeong Kim | S. Mairs | Shinyoung Kim | K. Pattle | W. Kwon | E. Chung | H. Duan | P. Diep | S. Hayashi | Yapeng Zhang | S. Sadavoy | K. Tomisaka | Y. Tsukamoto | Hsi-Wei Yen | N. Ohashi | K. Iwasaki | Y. Shimajiri | Chin-Fei Lee | H. Shinnaga | L. Fanciullo | S. Coudé | T. Gledhill | Mi-Ryang Kim | R. Furuya | C. Eswaraiah | K. Kim | A. Lyo | B. Retter | Mike Chen | I. Han | T. Hoang | L. Tram | Hyeseung Lee | Motohide Tamura | C. Law | Junhao 峻豪 Liu 刘 | V. Könyves | Hyeong-Sik Yun | T. Zenko | Masato I. N. Kobayashi | S. Dai | E. Franzmann | Hong-Li Liu | Q. Gu | H. Saito | J. Hwang | T. Kusune | Yong-Hee Lee | N. B. Ngoc | V. J. M. Le Gouellec | Chang Won 창원 Lee 이 | Tetsuo 川哲夫 Hasegawa 長谷 | Tao-Chung 道沖 Ching 慶 | Yunhee Choi | J. Karoly | Sheng-Jun 聖鈞 Lin 林 | T. Liu 刘 | Masafumi 雅文 Matsumura 松村 | G. Moriarty-Schieven | Jia-Wei Wang | Jin-An Wu | Jinjin 津津 Xie 謝 | Philippe André | Matt Griffin | T. Inoue | S. Lai | Hongli Liu | N. Ngoc | J. Liu 刘 | Chuan-peng Zhang | S. Lin 林 | W. Chen | H. Yun | Ya-wen Tang | Guo-Yin Zhang | S. Lin 林 | Ramprasad Rao | Takayoshi Kusune | Geumsook Park | Xing Lu

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