Arterielle Aneurysmen als Ursache schwallartiger Nachblutungen nach Tonsillektomie

Aneurysms of the external carotid artery can be causally for threatening late hemorrhage secondary to tonsillectomy. On the bases of typical, extended and finally dramatic bleeding course in a child the "clinical look" and the sensitivity should be raised for this bleeding cause. Characteristic after apparently inconspicuous post-operative first phase is late signal bleeding with little loss of blood which are replaced after following intervals free of bleeding from bleeding as flood with massive loss of blood. Then vessel-imaging (Angio-MRI or CT) is urgently indicated. By confirmation of the suspicion diagnosis the interventional angiography is the therapy of the choice, although after successful embolisation a fine-meshed postcontrol is necessary, because therapy failures are possible how the described case points. The highest security offers the surgical exploration with aimed vessel stopping.