Spatial Modulation -- OFDM

Abstract—In this paper, a novel multiple antenna-OFDM transmission approach, called spatial modu-lation (SM)-OFDM is presented. SM entirely avoidsinter-channel interference (ICI) at the receiver input,requires no synchronization between the transmittingantennas, and avoids correlation between them whilemaintaining high spectral efficiency. SM maps a blockof information bits into a constellation point in thesignal as well as the spatial domain. The spatialdomain corresponds to a particular antenna location.Hence, for OFDM transmission, each subcarrier ismapped to one of the transmitting antennas. Onlythe corresponding antenna will be sending poweron that subcarrier at an instant of time while allother antennas are transmitting zero power on thisparticular subcarrier. The receiver estimates the trans-mitted signal and the transmit antenna number anduses the two information to de-map the block ofinformation bits. A comparison between SM-OFDMand V-BLAST-OFDM using optimum ordering (OR)and successive interference cancelation (SIC) in termsof system performance is presented in this paper.Index Terms—MIMO, OFDM, V-BLAST, SpatialModulation, ZF, ICI.