Monte Carlo treatment of hadronic interactions in enhanced Pomeron scheme: I. QGSJET-II model

The construction of a Monte Carlo generator for high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions is discussed in detail. Interactions are treated in the framework of the Reggeon Field Theory, taking into consideration enhanced Pomeron diagrams which are resummed to all orders in the triple-Pomeron coupling. Soft and “semihard” contributions to the underlying parton dynamics are accounted for within the “semihard Pomeron” approach. The structure of cut enhanced diagrams is analyzed; they are regrouped into a number of subclasses characterized by positively-defined contributions which define partial weights for various “macro-configurations” of hadronic final states. An iterative procedure for a Monte Carlo generation of the structure of final states is described. The model results for hadronic cross sections and for particle production are compared to experimental data.