GUItar and FAgoo: Graphical interface for automata visualization, editing, and interaction

GUItar is a graphical environment for graph visualization, editing, and interaction, that specially focuses in finite automata diagrams. The application incorporates mechanisms to facilitate the editing of these graphs. It also provides a style manager that allows the creation of rich state and arc styles to be used in the drawing of its objects. This style manager allows the system to cope with complex styles, broaden the application scope to graphical representations of other computational models like transducers or Turing machines. GUItar also has a foreign function call (FFC) mechanism for the easy integration of external modules and libraries like automata symbolic manipulators or graph drawing libraries. For automatic graph drawing we are developing FAgoo, a package that seeks to provide tools capable of finding pleasant graph drawings. FAgoo implements graph drawing algorithms that find embeddings which the user, with minimal manual changes, can adjust to its aesthetically taste. Both GUItar and FAgoo are on going projects licensed under GPL.