A response to "ignorance, myopia, and naiveté in computer vision systems" by R. C. Jain and T. O. Binford

In their paper, Jain and Binford claim that the ignorance, myopia, and naivete of today’s computer vision systems are due to the inadequacy of our methodological paradigms. They attempt to define the central problems in the field, and they make recommendations as to how these problems can be successfully addressed. The structure of our response is as follows: We start by defining the central problems of computer vision and the methodological paradigms that have been developed over the past 35 years. Then we address the question of why vision is hard, and we build around the authors’ statements our suggestions as to how progress in the field can be accelerated. We do not find computer vision to be a field in shambles. On the contrary, we find that it is becoming a well defined science and is well on its way to becoming a postparadigmatic field in the sense that research projects evolve naturally from a central paradigm.’