Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies: Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes Edited by Timothy A. Kohler and George J. Gumerman

social processes, 359, 366 examples of, 359-366 adaptation, 7, 8 evolving, 8 trajectory of, 378 See also coadaptation adaptation and coevolution models, 364-365 learning in, 364 adaptive agents, 208, 214, 216 adaptive dynamics, 87 adaptive landscapes, 220 agency, 109, 208 agent design, 93 anthropomorphic beliefs, 94 beliefs, 94-95 egocentric vs. sociocentric, 101 genotypes, 111, 126-129 in MAGICAL software, 110-114 memes, 100 subagents, 102 agent-based artificial societies, 89-91, 102 abilities of, 91 advantages of, 98 cultural preconceptions in, 99-100 EOS project, 91, 92, 360, 380 hunter-gatherer project, 92-93 methodological problems, 98-102 role of emotions in, 95-98 SCENARIO-3, 95, 380 agent-based modeling, 1, 2, 9-11, 13, 14, 48, 52, 71, 89-90, 102, 139, 179, 180, 225, 383 advantages of, 48, 69, 201-202, 374 agent design in, 110 of ancient Egyptian society, 276 challenges to, 379 emergence in, 69 usefulness of, 12 vs. agent-based artificial societies, 98 vs. equation-based modeling, 69-71 See also abstract social processes agent-based models. See adaptation and coevolution models; Artificial Anasazi model; Bali model; comparative advantage models; computer simulations; hierarchi-