Optimizing an inservice inspection program plan

This paper offers an orderly approach to assessing nuclear power plant requirements in order to comply with the regulatory requirements for inservice inspection. The regulatory documents involved include the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50, NRC Regulatory Guides, NUREG's, Plant Technical Specifications, I and E Bulletins, NRC letters, and ASME Section XI (and later Addenda) of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Most utilities, when preparing a Preservice or an Inservice Program Plan, base their plan on either the earliest Section XI Addenda as permitted by 10CFR50 or the latest Addenda as approved by the NRC. It is summarizes in step-by-step detail how an Inservice Inspection Program Plan can be designed to yield more meaningful results and substantially reduce inspection costs by implementing portions of later Section XI Addenda and eliminating unnecessary duplication.