Protecting young regeneration

Introduction 385 Damage from High Soil Temperatures 387 Corrective Measures for Frost Damage 388 Weeds 389 Timing of control 389 Post-planting weed control methods 391 Herbicides 391 Manual and motor-manual methods 392 Mulching 393 Grazing 394 Vertebrate Damage 395 Damage to seeds 395 Damage to seedlings 395 Deer and elk 395 Pocket gophers 396 Porcupines 397 Voles 398 Mountain beavers 398 Rabbits and hares 399 Wood rats 399 Insects 399 Major insect groups 399 Sap-suckers 399 Root beetles 400 Terminal feeders 401 Secondary bark beetles 402 Control options 402 Preventive control 403 Corrective control 403 Disease 404 Seedling diseases 404 Nursery-grown seedlings 404 Natural germinants 404 Diseases of existing stands 405 Root rots 405 Mistletoes 408 Stem decay 409 Diseases introduced into a stand 409 Black-stain root disease 409 Port-Orford-cedar root rot 410 White pine blister rust 411 Ravel 412 Effects on reforestation 412 Protecting seedlings from ravel 412 Summary 412 Literature Cited 413 16 Protecting Young Regeneration