AIWI'RACT This paper presents two methods to dctcriiiine a niimimum load to be shcd using lincar programming to avoid risks of voltage instability. The aini of calculations is to minimizc the load to be shed in ordcr to assure that cithcr voltage profile is maintaincd within ncccssary boundaries. or indicators of voltage instability are lower than or equal to a threshold value. Variables of thcse methods aria real and reactive powcrs to be shcd. Thc first method uscs sensitivities with constraints of voltagcs (Vmill 5 V < Vmax). In this inethod. hcse constraints are formcd locally. Thc sccond method uses indicators of voltage instability with coristraints of indicators (0 5 I3 5 nthr=ho)d). In ordcr to dcvclop such a sccond method in a timcly fashion, indicators arc developed to assess tlic risk of voltage collapse at a particular bus, and a scnsitivity matrix coup1ir.g the amount of load to be slicd and the indicator is computed. The advantages of thc proposed methods arc viable network security, short computing times and low memory requirements due to the use of sparse vector tcchniqucs. The methods dcvelopcd have been tcstcd with tlic 30 bus New-England test systcm and with a 206 bus 400 kV simplificd Frcnch nictwork with satisfactory results.
W. F. Tinney,et al.
Sparse Vector Methods
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.
C. W. Taylor.
Concepts of undervoltage load shedding for voltage stability
O. Alsac,et al.
Fast Decoupled Load Flow
H. Glavitsch,et al.
Estimating the Voltage Stability of a Power System
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
N. Hadjsaid,et al.
Emergency load shedding to avoid risks of voltage instability using indicators
J. M. Tesseron,et al.
An indicator of the risk of voltage profile instability for real-time control applications