The Affecting Factors of Competency Farmer to Farmer Extension Agents in Helping to Meet the Needs of Rice Farmers in Sumbawa District

Farmer to farmer extension agents (PPS) are expected to cover the shortage of state agricultural extension agents. This role can be optimized if supported by high competency.. The research objectives are to 1) identify the level of competence of PPS; 2) analyze the factors that influence the competency of PPS. The study was conducted in Sumbawa District in July 2018 - August 2018. The study used a quantitative approach with the census method.. The research sample of 87 PPS in the rice center sub-districts in Sumbawa District. The data were collected by using questionnaires and were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using PLS. The results of the research showed the indicators of PPS competencies in high category were:  in developing entrepreneurship, developing leadership, being an foster for farmers.  The indicators of capability planning development, carrying out extension activities, coordinating, delivering information and innovation, solving problems, making activity reports were in medium category. The indicators of develop farmer groups and establish partnerships were in low category. The affecting factors of PPS competencies in variable PPS personal characteristics were represented by motivation in the business and creative-innovative character. Beside that, the affecting factors in variable institutional support represented by the support of the agriculture department and company or banking support.