W. Koops, D. Brugman, T.J. Ferguson, A.F. Sanders, Preface. W. Koops, D. Brugman, T.J. Ferguson, The Development of Conscience: Concepts, Theoretical and Empirical Approaches: An Introduction. Part 1. Theoretical and Cultural Historical Notions on Conscience. B. Musschenga, Moral Violations and the Ordinary Moral Person. J.M. Day, Conscience: Does Religion Matter? Empirical Studies of Religious Elements in Pro-Social Behaviour, Prejudice, Empathy Development and Moral Decision-Making. T.J. Ferguson, Like Snowflakes and Memories: Affective, Cognitive and Conative Facets of Conscience in the Middle and Later Childhood. Part 2. Moral Reasoning. D. Brugman, Moral Reasoning Competence and the Moral Judgement-Action Discrepancy in Young Adolescents. M.S. de Wolff, D. Brugman, Moral Atmosphere and Moral Behaviour: A Study into the Role of Adolescents' Perception of Moral Atmosphere for Antisocial Behaviour. J. Boom, Measuring Moral Development: Stages as Markers Along a Latent Developmental Dimension. Part 3. Social Emotions. T.J. Ferguson, H.L. Eyre, Reconciling Interpersonal Versus Responsibility Based Models of Guilt. M. Meerum Terwogt, T. Olthof, C. Rieffe, Children's Feelings and Evaluations about Altruistic and Self-Serving Lies. S. Thomaes, H. Stegge, T. Olthof, Does Shame Bring Out the Worst in Narcissists? On Moral Emotions and Immoral Behaviours. B.J. Bushman, J. Chandler, L.R. Huesmann, Do Violent Media Numb our Consciences? M. Keller, A. Brandt, G. Sigurdardottir, "Happy" and "Unhappy" Victimizers: The Development of Moral Emotions from Childhood to Adolescence. Part 4. Conscience and Antisocial Behaviour. A. Karreman, C. van Tuijl, M.A.G. van Aken, M. Dekovic, Young Children's Self-Regulation and the Development of Moral Conduct. S.M. Cote, Sex differences in Types of Aggressive Behaviours: Do Women Have a Higher Level of Conscience than Men? J.E. Lochman, Social Cognition and Self-Regulation: Change in Outcome Expectations and Aggressive Behaviour Over Time. T. Olthof, Conscience in the Classroom: Early Adolescents' Moral Emotions, Moral Judgments and Moral Identity as Predictors of Their Interpersonal Behaviour.