Space–Time coding implementation with a software–defined radio testbed

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) uses the multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver to improve the spectral efficiency of the communication system. In this paper, an overview of implementing MIMO is described while meeting the challenges of current communication systems such as channel estimation, baseband synchronization, and local oscillator synchronization. The paper begins with the system model designed at both transmitter and receiver using the space–time coding. Developed algorithms are also discussed for improving the throughput and spectral efficiency of the designed system. We particularly focus on finding the probability of bit error rate with the variation on the TX–RX distance and comparing with other MIMO implementations. Finally, we analyze the performance of the received signals based on several metrics such as quadrature skew, IQ gain imbalance, modulation error ratio, phase offset, frequency drift, frequency offset, phase error in peak and magnitude error in peak before and after using space–time wireless coding with the 16–QAM modulation scheme. All the algorithms designed are implemented using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) testbed using Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform with LabVIEW software.

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