Three‐dimensional transient electromagnetic responses for a grounded source

When the current in a grounded wire is terminated abruptly, currents immediately flow in the Earth to preserve the magnetic field. Initially the current is concentrated near the wire, with a broad zone of return currents below. The electric field maximum broadens and moves downward with time. Currents are channeled into a conductive three‐dimensional body, resulting in anomalous magnetic fields. At early times, when the return currents are channeled into the body, the vertical magnetic field is less than the half‐space field on the far side of the body but is greater than the half‐space field between the source and the body. Later the current in the body reverses; the vertical field is enhanced on the far side of the body and decreased between the source and the body. The horizontal magnetic field has a well‐defined maximum directly over the body at late times, and is a better indicator of the position of the body. The vertical magnetic field and its time derivative change sign with time at receiver locat...