Performance of a new Schottky CdTe detector for hard x-ray spectroscopy

We report a significant improvement of the spectral properties of a cadmium telluride (CdTe) detector. With the use of a high quality CdTe crystal, we formed a high Schottky barrier for the holes on a CdTe surface using a low work-function metal, indium. For a 2 X 2 mm2 detector with a thickness of 0.5 mm the leakage current was measured to be 0.7 nA at room temperature (20 degree(s)C) and 10 pA at -20 degree(s)C for a 400 V bias voltage. The low-leakage current of the detector allows us to operate the detector at a higher bias voltage than previous CdTe detectors. The improved charge collection efficiency and the low-leakage current leads to an energy resolution of 1.1 - 2.5 keV FWHM in the energy range 2 keV to 150 keV at 20 degree(s)C without charge loss correction electronics. We confirmed that once a high electric field of several kV/cm is applied, the Schottky CdTe has a very good energy resolution as well as sufficient stability to be used for practical applications.