Soils with heavy mechanical type of composition demand a cultivation system that ensures preservation of natural potential and fertility resources. This system must also prevent degrading processes and ensure an optimal water motion within the soil, with an optimal usage of energy and labor. In Serbia there are over 0.4 million hectares of soil with heavy mechanical type of composition, and over 0.1 million hectares of diversely damaged soil. Every year, during different degrading actions, another 1000 hectares of soil are damaged. Agricultural machinery for tillage of the soils with heavy mechanical composition and damaged soils should fulfill the basic demands: arrangement of the soil's surface and depth, preservation of the soil's biological system, regulation of the water and air system, thus enabling an efficient irrigation, conservation of the natural humidity, insurance of an efficient irrigation, perseverance of the natural moisture, insurance of a rational consumption of energy, labor and resources for the defined structure and level of agricultural production. Researches that are conducted by the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia, and the Institute of Corn, Zemun Polje, Serbia, are set to determine the technical, technological and economic aspects of the appliance of new types of machines and tools for the arrangement of soil's depth and surface. These new types of machines include: universal soil arrangement machine USM-5, drainage plough DP-4 and vibratory subsoiler VR-5, applied on the degraded chernosem soil type and on the marsh soil type (parcel Tab. XVII, heavy mechanical type of composition, damaged and unfavorable water and air conditions), on the location of an experimental property of the Institute of Corn in Krnjesevci, Serbia. Basic characteristics of the soil are determined, control parcels are defined and marked, new technology and machines for soil's surface and depth arrangement are applied. Specific technical and technological parameters were measured during the work of new machine types.