Environmental stress promotes the persistence of facultative bacterial symbionts in amoebae

Abstract Amoebae are one major group of protists that are widely found in natural and engineered environments. They are a significant threat to human health not only because many of them are pathogenic but also due to their unique role as an environmental shelter for pathogens. However, one unsolved issue in the amoeba–bacteria relationship is why so many bacteria live within amoeba hosts while they can also live independently in the environments. By using a facultative amoeba– Paraburkholderia bacteria system, this study shows that facultative bacteria have higher survival rates within amoebae under various environmental stressors. In addition, bacteria survive longer within the amoeba spore than in free living. This study demonstrates that environmental stress can promote the persistence of facultative bacterial symbionts in amoebae. Furthermore, environmental stress may potentially select and produce more amoeba‐resisting bacteria, which may increase the biosafety risk related to amoebae and their intracellular bacteria.

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