The e-Learning Trends of Higher Education in Kazakhstan
Abstract Development of higher education in Kazakhstan follows the general trends of global education system. In 2011, Kazakhstan has launched the project of the Ministry of Education of Science “E-Learning System”. The most content-rich, attractive structure of information delivery for organization teaching process are the websites of some higher schools, but by the start of 2012-2013 academic year, there are available higher schools which do not have own websites, or access to their websites is limited, or some websites are being reconstructed. Higher schools of the Republic which do not have their own libraries are connected to the Republican Inter-University E-Library (RIEL), and also they offer access to other electronic libraries presented in the Internet. In recent years Kazakhstan is conducting works on implementation of technologies of electronic, virtual education. If in 2009 over 28 universities offered distance learning technology, then by September 2012 the distance learning is being offered on websites of about 50 higher schools of Kazakhstan. Today there is a need for collaboration of IT specialists and experts in developing virtual research laboratories at universities. Electronic (virtual) research laboratories contribute to the formation of innovative research and education environment in higher schools.