Monitoring of rice cropping intensity in the upper Mekong Delta, Vietnam using time-series MODIS data

Abstract Information on rice growing areas is important for policymakers to devise agricultural plans. This research explores the monitoring of rice cropping intensity in the upper Mekong Delta, Vietnam (from 2001 to 2007) using time-series MODIS NDVI 250-m data. Data processing includes three steps: (1) noise is filtered from the time-series NDVI data using empirical mode decomposition (EMD); (2) endmembers are extracted from the filtered time-series data and trained in a linear mixture model (LMM) for classification of rice cropping systems; and (3) classification results are verified by comparing them with the ground-truth and statistical data. The results indicate that EMD is a good filter for noise removal from the time-series data. The classification results confirm the validity of LMM, giving an overall accuracy of 90.1% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.7. The lowest producer and user accuracies were associated with single crop rain-fed rice class due to the mixed pixel problems. A strong yearly correlation at the district level was revealed in the MODIS-derived areas ( R 2  ⩾ 0.9). Investigation of interannual changes in rice cropping intensity from 2001 to 2007 showed a remarkable conversion from double to triple crop irrigated rice from 2001 to 2003, especially in the Thoai Son and Phu Tan districts. A big conversion from triple crop rice back to double crop rice cultivation was also observed in Phu Tan from 2005 to 2006. These changes were verified by visual interpretation of Landsat images and examination of NDVI profiles.

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