Enhancing moodle to support problem based learning. The Nucleo experience

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an educational paradigm that promotes the development of highly valuable soft skills. PBL can be combined with other approaches, such as collaborative learning, to enhance students' team skills. Nucleo is a blended learning approach where students work in self-regulated teams. Nucleo combines Problem-Based Learning, collaborative learning, role-play game dynamics and a fantasy metaphor. In this paper we describe how the Moodle Learning Management System is being used to support the development of Nucleo learning scenarios in courses with a total of more than 300 students. The approach is implemented by combining built-in tools of the LMS and specific plug-ins. Plug-ins provide support for Vermunt's ILS (used to build the teams), for assigning roles in the teams or managing groups, among others. Although this work is focused on the Moodle platform, the paradigm can be repurposed and applied to different environments.