This paper is mainly to present a method to extend the network under Open MPI parallel environment. We walk through the Modular Component Architecture (MCA) and three core elements: framework, component and module comprised in the MCA. After an analysis of the point-to-point communication based on the network components in Open MPI, we present a method to extend a network by creating a network component under Byte Transfer Layer (BTL) framework, implementing the basic functions the component must have, configuring the network component to adjust to different architecture platforms and building the whole project to make the new component work in the framework. Finally we successfully extend the network of Open MPI with Hyper Transport (HT). By running a parallel program on the newly extended Open MPI based on HT. We prove the network extend method is accessible.
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MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard
George Bosilca,et al.
Open MPI: A High-Performance, Heterogeneous MPI
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MPI: A message - passing interface standard
Alexey L. Lastovetsky,et al.
HeteroMPI: Towards a message-passing library for heterogeneous networks of computers
J. Parallel Distributed Comput..