Dynamic frequency and resource allocation with adaptive error control based on RTP for multimedia QoS guarantees in wireless networks

Providing QoS guarantees in wireless networks is a much more complex problem than in fixed networks. Conventional fixed allocation schemes are not suitable for these traffic patterns and it becomes necessary to design new dynamic resource allocation schemes. This paper deals with three of the main wireless network problems to provide multimedia QoS guarantees, i.e., frequency assignation, bandwidth requirements and error rate. For the former problem, several frequency assignment algorithms have been evaluated. For the second, a dynamic resource allocation algorithm is proposed. The goal of this algorithm is to share the available wireless bandwidth between the major number of connections, and offer the maximum QoS to all of them depending on the connection state. For the latter, error rate effects are corrected by means of an adaptive error control algorithm based on RTP. This algorithm tries to balance the channel quality of the on-going calls to obtain a fair error quality for all of them.