Actinomycete metabolism: α-phenylmannosidase of Streptomyces griseus

Langlykke & Perlman (1950) have reported that StreptomyceB griseu8 forms an enzyme capable of converting mannosidostreptomycin into the aglycone, streptomycin, and have described the dependence of its activity upon oxidation potential and pH value and its inhibition by heavy metals. During the course of our work it was found that synthetic phenyl OC-D-mannoside was also split by the organism. Accordingly we have used this synthetic substrate to provide such general information on a-mannosidase activity as might later be used in work on the natural substrate. Although in this work the term 'mannosidase', which is used for convenience, implies a simple hydrolysis of mannosidostreptomycin or ac-phenylmannoside into mannose and streptomycin or phenol, we do not exclude the possibility that the enzymic cleavage of either substrate is achieved by a more complex mechanism.