Viewing Multiple Physiological Signs Using e-Health Shield and Arduino

The technology we are living in is rapidly developing and affecting every aspect of our lives. One of the areas where this effect is most felt is undoubtedly the health and biomedical field. During human body work, it produces some tracking signs related to the functions of some organs. Taking the physiological markings from non-bedridden moving patients in their natural environment removes the negative effects of the hospital setting and provides that the patient can be monitored without being bound to health centers Some of these indicators, which are formed in the human body, are taken from patients with appropriate sensors, the electrical data are converted and presented to the field specialist for interpretation by means of devices.. Thanks to the system implemented in this study, the patient is followed by an expert without leaving the house. Thus, the health information is monitored from outside the hospital, and the patient will be able to intervened when needed. This method will prevent the intensity of the patients in health centers. Wearable Systems are one of the most popular research topics today. When the studies using different sensors are examined, it is seen that the physiological signals that need to be measured very often are; ECG, EMG, glucose measurement, heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and oxygen saturation. In this study, e-Health platform kit, produced by Libelium company, which enables to monitor physiological signals, is used. Physiological signals are measured and converted into processable values through electrodes placed in certain regions of the body. These analog signals are converted to digital signals by means of a microprocessor. Real-time physiological signals can be displayed graphic LCD which is a portable system and the interpretation is enabled so.