Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services

Remixing Information Without Programming.- Learning from Specific Mashups.- Uncovering the Mashup Potential of Web Sites.- Understanding Tagging and Folksonomies.- Working with Feeds, RSS, and Atom.- Integrating with Blogs.- Remixing a Single Web Application Using Its API.- Learning Web Services APIs Through Flickr.- Exploring Other Web APIs.- Learning Ajax/JavaScript Widgets and Their APIs.- Making Mashups.- Moving from APIs and Remixable Elements to Mashups.- Creating Mashups of Several Services.- Using Tools to Create Mashups.- Making Your Web Site Mashable.- Exploring Other Mashup Topics.- Remixing Online Maps and 3D Digital Globes.- Exploring Social Bookmarking and Bibliographic Systems.- Accessing Online Calendars and Event Aggregators.- Using Online Storage Services.- Mashing Up Desktop and Web-Based Office Suites.- Using Microformats and RDFa As Embeddable Data Formats.- Integrating Search.