The problem of transport equations of a collisional plasma in a curvilinear magnetic field is studied. Two main approaches to this problem are presented: that based on using the Boltzmann kinetic equation and the drift kinetic equation approach. In the frame of the first approach a multimoment transport equation set is found which is more general than the transport equation sets of Braginskii and Grad. The tensor equations of this set are described in an arbitrary curvilinear coordinate system. This allow to use these equations in problems of a plasma confined in toroidal magnetic configurations. Simplification of the multimoment transport equation set in the case of high magnetic field is performed. In the frame of the drift kinetic equation approach, a generalization of the drift transport equations derived earlier by the authors (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 83 (1982) 139) is given.
A. Mikhailovskii.
Theory of Plasma Instabilities
F. Hinton,et al.
Theory of plasma transport in toroidal confinement systems
V. A. Klimenko,et al.
The microinstabilities of a high-β plasma flow with a non-uniform velocity profile
Journal of Plasma Physics.
V. V. Nemov.
The hydrodynamics of collisional plasma in a strong inhomogeneous magnetic field
B. Liley,et al.
Dynamical Equations and Transport Relationships for a Thermal Plasma
A. Mikhailovskii,et al.
Transport equations and gradient instabilities in a high pressure collisional plasma