챔버실측과 EnergyPlus 시뮬레이션간의 공기 및 벽체표면온도 차이 및 보정에 관한 연구

The energy consumption in building sector is very high in Korea. That is why so many studies are done to find the best possible way to decrease this energy consumption. Energy simulation programs are an effective yet cheap and reliable method to study energy reduction factors. There are many factors which effect energy consumption, especially for the heating and cooling of a building. In this study, the focus is on the building envelope. Three mock ups were made with no blind, internal blind and external blind on the window for study. Hourly temperatures were recorded on the inside and outside of window, on the interior wall and the mean room temperature. Verification for the EnergyPlus simulation was done, for the study of night time temperature and to analyse the effect of wall thermal capacity on the mean room temperature at night.