Managing Event Information: Modeling, Retrieval, and Applications

With the proliferation of citizen reporting, smart mobile devices, and social media, an increasing number of people are beginning to generate information about events they observe and participate in. A significant fraction of this information contains multimedia data to share the experience with their audience. A systematic information modeling and management framework is necessary to capture this widely heterogeneous, schemaless, potentially humongous information produced by many different people. This book is an attempt to examine the modeling, storage, querying, and applications of such an event management system in a holistic manner. It uses a semantic-web style graph-based view of events, and shows how this event model, together with its query facility, can be used toward emerging applications like semi-automated storytelling. Table of Contents: Introduction / Event Data Models / Implementing an Event Data Model / Querying Events / Storytelling with Events / An Emerging Application / Conclusion

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