Assisting Limb Advancement During Walking After Stroke Using a Wearable Soft Hip Exosuit: A Proof-of-Concept

Following stroke, altered gait biomechanics contribute to inefficient walking. Aside from assisting the ankle, there is also potential in augmenting locomotion by actuating the hip. We describe a proof-of-concept wearable, soft, hip exosuit, that assists with paretic hip flexion during late stance and swing phases. The exosuit allows for adjustment of force and timing parameters. Parameter tuning was guided by a physical therapist based on their observations during study sessions. In a sample of survivors of stroke, we demonstrated that the hip exosuit was able to deliver low, comfortable levels of hip flexion assistive forces. When powered, the exosuit effectively increased thigh angle and angular velocity during paretic swing phase compared to unpowered condition. These preliminary findings highlight the feasibility for clinicians to use a hip exosuit to directly target deficits in limb advancement in hemiparetic gait.