주행중 가속페달의 급조작시 승용차의 진동 특성 해석

The non-preiodic fluctuation of the engine torque appears to be the major source of the torsional vibration of the automotive driveline. The reduction of this torsional vibration hs become a significant problem along with the requirements of higher performance. The shuffle(tip-in, tip-out) is the transient vibration phenomenon of a vehicle which appears at the sudden change of an accelerator under traveling. By executing of an experiment and a simulation using a model, it has become possible to obtain the design parameter of a driveline for the torsional vibration. This paper presents an experimental and theoretical research on the transient vibration phenomenon of a vehicle which appears at the sudden change of an accelerator under traveling. A dynamic model for the automotive driveline was developed, and all parameters of the mmdel were evaluated with experimental data. The results are as follows: (1) The lower the gea ratio of the transmission is, the more the transient vibration phenomenon of a vehicle appears clearly. (2) The transient vibration phenomenon of a vehicle is affected by the design parmeter of the driveline.