State of the Art of Dental Adhesive Systems.

BACKGROUND The large dependence on a dental substrate type to bond strength has leveraged the research on materials and techniques that perform different clinical behavior, promoting a stable bonding over time. Bonding to tooth structure has different clinical behaviors and is dependent on several factors. OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to reflect on the state of the art of adhesive systems after the emergence of Buonocore's experiments in current days. METHODS An electronic search was conducted on PubMed databases and supplemented with a manual study of relevant references. RESULTS The choice of the ideal adhesive system remains under discussion, housing a range of studies that highlight its potential characteristics, suggesting techniques that enable improvement to boost clinical outcomes. CONCLUSION It is important to know all different types of adhesive systems, as well as their indications and limitations. An attentive consideration of several factors is crucial to achieve clinical success on the restorative procedures.