Métodos Multicriterio aplicados a la parte lateral de una estructura autoportante para vehículos livianos

INTRODUCTION. The selection of materials is an important stage in the design and development of products, through the use of multi-criteria methods, it is possible to establish a reliable selection methodology, converging in a unique and reliable solution. OBJETIVE. To apply multi-criteria methods for the selection of the structural side part of a vehicle, to obtain greater efficiency and performance in the use of materials. METHOD. Using the Pareto methodology and multi-criteria methods (TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE II), establish reliable performance indicators for the selection of structural materials based on the comparison of quantitative criteria. RESULTS. After the comparison of the applied methods, it is observed that all establish that the material of Martensitic Steel YS1200 is the most suitable. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The material determined has great potential in the manufacture of vehicle structures, is relatively inexpensive and light, and with the right technology it is possible to implement it.