The role of museums in online teaching, learning, and research

The role of museums in online teaching, learning, and research by Kenneth Hamma Considering the role of museums in online teaching, learning, and research we should also address the opportunities of creating sustainable digital resources in a shared environment. In large part this is about good cataloging. Expectations for access online have suggested we also look closely at how the resources are going to be used. This has led us to a definition of the task–oriented user. To address this new model The J. Paul Getty Museum is introducing GettyGuide. The system, with personalization online and personal devices at the Museum, puts everything a visitor may want to know in the palm of his or her hand while at the museum, and also allows users to continue their research elsewhere via As we rethink our strategy of sharing information based on user access, we may finally be approaching a point of useful convergence of technology and the institutional missions of teaching, learning, and research.