Passivation of GaAs FET's with PECVD silicon nitride films of different stress states

The passivation of GaAs MESFETs with plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor-deposited (PECVD) silicon nitride films of both compressive and tensile stress is reported. Elastic stresses included in GaAs following nitride passivation can produce piezoelectric charge density, which results in a shift of MESFET characteristics. The shift of MESFET parameters due to passivation was found to be dependent on gate orientation. The experiments show that nitride of tensile stress is preferable for MESFETS with (011-bar) oriented gates. The shifts in V/sub TH/,I/sub DSS/, and G/sub M/ of the devices before and after nitride passivation are less than 5% if the nitride of appropriate stress states are used for passivation. The breakdown voltage of the MESFETs after nitride deposition was also studied. It is found that the process with higher hydrogen incorporation tends to reduce the surface oxide and increase the breakdown voltage after nitride deposition. In addition, the passivation of double-channel HEMTs is reported for the first time. >