Periodic Timetable Concept for the Bosnia and Herzegovina Railway Network

Periodic timetable presents a timetable by which all network trains are set to travel in regular– periodical intervals. To implement the periodic timetable on the already existing network, the following assumptions must be met. In station areas and in periodic crossroad areas the trains entries and exits must be enabled. The infrastructure on these traffic areas must have the same amount of tracks as there are routes. Also, for an adequate periodic timetable to be established for rail traffic users, there should be a significant speed difference between trains that are of different category. Within the framework of this paper different train routes were simulated for certain parts of the railway network, on which periodic timetables for the B&H railway network were made. Because of the absence in speed difference between different categories of trains, this research showed that for all one rail routes the two hour period is the most convenient one. In the end, a network map shows all of the received results of all the examined segments.